Your Story: John Ramsden
Some people just want to win. A few of those do. With Bevin visiting from Ontario, we joined John Ramsden and his family at their Whistler condo for about thirty-six hours. John is one of those people who wins. This is John’s story.
John was always an avid skier, surfer and yachtsman. Several years ago, in the early spring, John suddenly found himself without his ship to sail. Unable to sit idle, John needed something to fill the void. Opening day of the Whistler Bike Park was around the corner, so John showed up, rented a bike, and never looked back. The next morning he went out and purchased himself a brand new high-end full-suspension mountain bike.

Being a Vancouver anesthesiologist, John’s work schedule would fluctuate greatly. Some days he would be home early afternoon, sometimes not until well after dinner. So when John started to ride the North Shore trails on his way home from work several times a week, his wife didn’t notice a shift in his schedule. What she did notice, however, was a shift in John.
After a few weeks of this, Kim turned to him and said “I want you to continue doing this.”
“Doing what?” John queried.
“Mountain-biking” she replied.
Until that time, the stress of John’s job would get to him. He would come home angry, frustrated unhappy. Once he started riding after work, however, all that fell away. John had found in mountain-biking an easily available outlet for the stress of work. He was a new man, a better person.
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Fast forward to 2017 and John has since discovered multi-day mountain-bike stage racing. Five TransRockies, seven BC Bike Races and two MTB Trans Alps; the Cape Epic, La Ruta de Conquistadores, the Breck Epic, the Trans Andes and Trans Portugal. Add three Haute Route road races, two road Trans Alps, the Trans Provence and even the Dirty Kanza, the year of the rain and the mud.

The addiction has been infectious. The whole family now rides, his daughter Calindy being a particularly skilled down-hill racer. The two of them took Bevin, our Aussie friend John, and I out to explore the finest of Whistler’s valley trails. It didn’t take long to recognize their heightened skills and stamina.
This morning I got a message from John saying “I’m in Rossland doing 7 summits today, off to Whitefish later and then Trans Cascadia next weekend.”
Yup, that’s winning and that’s John’s story.
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