Your Story; Brink
One of Salida’s attributes are the many vibrant communities of interest that thrive here. It goes without saying that the cycling community is strong, welcoming and enthusiastic; a talented group of motivated, fun-loving velophiles who make me feel at home. An other remarkable group of talented folks who speak to my heart is the art community. Galleries, studios, public art, festivals and random acts of creation abound in this mountain town. When those two communities unite the results are stunning. So you’ve got to know that any artist who rides is a fine person; a cyclist who creates art is equally as noble. In Salida there are many who grasp the handlebar while holding a palette in the other hand. One of those who truly embodies the unity of bike and brush is Brinkley Nelson Messick.
Soon after moving to Salida last summer, I was enjoying one of the many local hot springs when a fellow with a serious handle-bar moustache got in the pool. Sandi leaned over and whispered “I think I know that guy.” I responded “check out the sticker on his water canteen.” It was the same image that I have tattooed on my left arm, the same logo used by Kt and Rick’s bike shop, the BBCo. Sandi and I smiled in disbelief as I crossed my arms, covering the tattoo. I engaged the fellow in conversation.
“Hey man, what’s that image all about, the bicycle-fist on your canteen?” I enquired with feigned ignorance.
“Oh, it’s from this old Dutch cycle-advocacy poster. I found it on the internet and got the sticker. It’s from the nineteen-thirties or -forties I think.”
“Huh” I replied, moving my hand to reveal the tattoo below it. He smiled and we both laughed. Shaking hands, Brinkley Nelson Messick–aka Brink–introduced himself. Turns out Sandi and he met years ago through our mutual friend, Mark “Eyeball” Kneeskern.(purchase and read his book, it’s a hoot). We exchanged news and updates on our various mutual friends and I thought to myself “Yup, I think I’m going to like living in this town.”
Over the next couple of weeks my attention was caught by several bicycle-themed paintings, signed “Brink.” His subtle graffiti-style graphics, vibrant colours, thought-provoking yet witty messages and obvious two-wheeled images resonated deeply. Some even included cogs, chain-rings or other bicycle components in the composition. I quickly knew I wanted a piece of his art in my little home-on-wheels.
Last summer and this, we would bump into each-other now’n’again, always sharing an easy-going camaraderie. But don’t let the denim shorts chamois or the stylin’ lip-monster dupe you into thinking he’s anything but a damn strong cyclist. While Brink has been riding a fully rigid single-speed with flat pedals for many years, his cycling back-ground is of the gravity variety. Like me, he’s also feeling the affects of years getting beaten-up on the bike; a geared rig is on the horizon to help address his ailing knees and wrists. I also hear he’s a pretty bad-ass skier.
At Brink’s current exhibition being held at The Fritz here in Salida, I found my piece. Over a background of bicycle tools floating among clouds of art deco flowers and flourishes, a red cruiser glides along. Above, a message taken from bicycle technical manuals; “Let out a little pressure to avoid unexpected blowouts.” Literally, a bit of bland mechanical advice but spiritually, a comment on my well being that spoke to the importance of sanity through cycling.
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Brink gets this, he understands what it is to find peace on bike. While he knows it’s practical value and appreciates it’s subtle beauty, like so many of us, Brink understands that life really is best lived on two wheels.