Your Story; Bevin Reith
If you are lucky, that rare person comes into your life who epitomizes enthusiasm. To any venture, be it grand or mundane, they apply a zeal like few others. Their constant smile, intelligent quirkiness and excitement for life are as endearing as they are genuine. Find one of these folks on a mountain-bike and the results are nothing short of spectacular. This is Bevin Reith and this is his story.
Bevin and I met in 2001, a legacy of my time spent working at Duke’s Cycle. In 2004 he and I teamed up with five others for a 24hour mtb race at Albion Hills, Ontario. We were the pseudo-serious team sharing camp with friends forming two 10 person here-for-the-beer
By 2011 Bevin found that all his cycling pals had either moved away, were having kids or, for my part, were travelling. So, being the motivated and resourceful person that he his, Bevin went in search of “good quality riding partners.” He found them with the LapDogs Cycling Club and Race Team.
With the LapDogs Bevin quickly found a family of racers he could train, race and socialize with. The results showed. He was riding with some of the best racers in the Province while training hard in the off-seasons. 2013 was another pivotal year incorporating the iconic BC Bike Race. Despite breaking his arm late that year, Bevin had what he describes as his best season ever. Taking on leadership roles both in the Club and on the trails, Bevin continues to grow as a force on the podium. With several top ten finishes the past couple of years, this weekend saw Bevin on the top step for his first O-Cup cross-country race win. Way to go Bevin, well earned!
Trending from long events to shorter O-Cup racers, I asked Bevin if his racing focus had changed. “It will shift back to longer trail rides. I have learned you need strength first. Then endurance. Doing it the other way around means improper movement as muscles fatigue and we ask for power. This means PAIN beyond simple effort. Bad for long term health. So, get reasonably fast at sprint races. Then evolve into long distance, season by season.”
Personally, Bevin and I have enjoyed many memorable cycling adventures together. In 2012 we raced a very cold, wet and muddy Paris-to-Ancaster cycle-cross race. Later that fall, we flew to Colorado for ten days riding trails all over Colorado. Bevin has also been a big part of my Paul’s Dirty Enduro experience. There was the year I had to abandon because of a broken derailleur hanger and the year he had to abandon because of a family emergency. There was the year Bevin was pulled from the race because of the mud/rain conditions and the year his wife Claire finished her first 30km event. In 2015, the last year of Paul’s Dirty Enduro, Bevin and I celebrated our both finishing that tough race.
Like anything Bevin applies himself to, his plans will be executed with an enthusiasm and determination few others share. Since his cycling is just a part of life, since all of life makes Bevin smile with the wonder of a child, you can be sure you’ll hear him laughing all the way down the trails for years to come.

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