Moots; for cyclists, it’s a word that brings to mind impeccably welded titanium frames, gorgeous satin finishes and a history of innovation. Founded by the iconic
Kent Erikson, Moots’ bikes really are the best of the best. Yes they are very expensive; then again, perfection doesn’t come cheap.
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Located on the outskirts of Steamboat Springs, CO, the Moots factory is a custom-built facility that produces about 1200 pieces of beauty a year. Taking the Friday morning tour with Tami, everything I had imagined about Moots was reinforced. A very chill attitude was ever-present but one that engenders staff to perfection. Everywhere you went, the attention to detail was complimented by personal touches. You just knew this was a very, very special place. After about 45mins of walking the plant, chatting with the staff and ogling the latest gems, it was time for Isabelle [my 2011 Moots Mooto-X YBB] and I to put that attention to detail and those personal touches to work. It was time to ride!
Welcome to Moots. |
Snow-bike extraordinaire. Notice the two “rear” wheels. |
Mmmmm, titanium; all U.S. sourced. |
Hand-tools used to bend tubes as required. |
Tubes waiting to become bicycles. |
Tami giving us the tour. |
The bin where small parts are polished by those little rocks. |
If you own a Moots built within the past 7 years, this guy tacked the tubes together. |
The nursery; new bikes come with a yellow tag detailing who worked on the bike and with the date it was “born.” |