Needing a bike to ride around town–Sophie and Isabelle are a tad bit of overkill when going to the store or the coffee-shop–I’ve been thinking I should get myself a cruiser to fit-in with the Salida locals. Seems just about every one here rides around on a single-speed vintage cruiser of some sort. Sunday afternoon, Sandi’s phone rang. It was Michael and he’d found an old Schwinn at a local thrift store/consignment shop that I might be interested in.
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Ten minutes later, I was checking out that blue ladies framed Schwinn Collegiate, year unknown. Sure it had a broken spoke and dented seat-stay and fairly tall gearing. And sure my heal bumped the rear rack when I pedalled, but otherwise, it was perfect! The little white tag said $70; I was hoping I could get it for $60 with a bit of negotiating. No need; as we checked out this little number, a lady came outside and announced “if you’re interested I can do better on the price.” “If you can do better on the price, I’m definitely interested” I replied. “How about $55?” “Deal!”
And there you have it, yet another bike in the stable. She’ll need a little bit of work, a little bit of love, though not much, and she’ll need a name; something that starts with an “S.” In the meantime, you’ll now find me proudly cruisin’ around Salida on my blue Schwinn, a piece of American cycling history.
I love bicycles.
Schwinn Collegiate; ain’t she pretty? |
Check those thin fork blades! |
What dented/bent seat-stay? |