The Cucumber Ride
A few pictures from my weekend on the bike.
Sunday morning I rode The Don Trails with Shawn, head mechanic extraordinaire at Sweet Pete’s Bike Shop. First time we’d ridden together and the first time I’d been on those technical down-town ravine trails since 2012. Had a blast! Felt I kinda needed to bring my A-game, you know, make sure I left a good impression on Shawn. Think I accomplished that. Following post-ride coffee, Shawn went to work and I went to The County.
Monday morning’s mtb ride was cancelled because of rain the night before, so Kt and I grabbed our mountain-bikes and hit the rail trail to Wellington (Tall Poppy Coffee shop, Americano failure). We continued west, checking out a little connector trail that one of the 35 local wineries built. From there, a loop along Benway, Closson and Chase, then back the way we came. So wonderful to spend the morning riding with Kt.
Back at the bike shop, I ate, napped, ate, relaxed then got Irene together for a 78km gravel ride heading the opposite direction, south-east towards South Bay and Long Point Road. A few weeks ago I rode those roads with 35c knobby tires and all was well. This time, however, the very rough[!] Helmer Road gave me a pinch flat. I’m actually surprised I only got one. It was worth it, however, as I was rewarded once I turned down a narrow piece of double-track. At the bottom, after ducking under a tree, a little stoney beach revealed Lake Ontario with New York State beyond the horizon.
After more dirt roads, I hit the pavement and started heading home. Not five minutes later did I come across a little plastic table with several large cucumbers and a red sign that read “FREE.” So, stuffing a fine looking cucumber into the back of my jersey, I rode the 30kms home. You should have seen the looks on motorists faces as they droveby me with that huge great green phallus protruding from my pocket.

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What an awesome day!!