The Big Smoke; Toronto for the Summer
For much of the past two years I’ve been living either way out in the desert or high up in the mountains. Looking for a place to call home for the coming summer months I looked at several options. Salida, Colorado and the wonderful friends I have there put it tops of the list. But you know, I really want to spend the summer in Canada. So, I began looking for a small town in the mountains of British Columbia. Nelson, Rossland and several others all looked tempting. The biggest challenge would be finding a job and to be honest, I really want work lined-up before I arrive where-ever I’m going. That’s when I started thinking about my old stomping grounds; Toronto, Ontario. At 249′, it sure isn’t the mountains. With a population around four million, it certainly isn’t my little desert paradise. But it’s what Toronto does have to offer that excites me, not what it doesn’t.
Thinking about Toronto, I sent a message to my old friend Jill at Sweet Pete’s bike shop, where I worked last spring. Turns out she was about to send me a message asking if I’d be around this summer. After a week deliberating with myself and negotiating with Jill, we came to an agreement; I’ll be starting work April 13th.
Being in Toronto means I’ll have the chance to spend time with many dear friends. Being just a five hour drive from Ottawa, it will be easy for me to visit my brother Ed, his wife Ryanna and their three young boys Gavin, Oscar and Heath. There are also a couple of bike races I want to participate in. The first being the brutally punishing 200 mile Hairshirt which I completed in 2012. Then there is the 100km Paul’s Dirty Enduro mountain bike race. While I’ve successfully completed the 60km race a couple times, the 100km event has denied me on both attempts. This year I shall triumph!
Some may think that being in Toronto means I’ll be riding less. Not true. While I won’t be surrounded by 14,000′ mountains or a vast expanse of desert single-track, I will be surrounded by the many cyclist friends I have throughout the city. I’m looking forward to hours spent riding with Peter Murk, Michael Cranwell, Bevin Reith and many others. Only a couple hours away Kt, Rick, Ali and the Bloomfield Bicycle Co. are always good for a ride.
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When I started thinking about returning to Toronto for the summer I wasn’t very excited at all. Life in a city of four million, hours away from any truly decent mountain-biking, plagued by traffic and poor air quality, it just didn’t make much sense. But then I stopped thinking about what Toronto lacked and focused on what is has to offer; and it has a lot. I also acknowledged that no matter where I live, I decide my own happiness. Being truly happy does not come from a particular circumstance or within a certain location. Nor will I ever find happiness in an other person. Rather, all the happiness and love I need resides deep within me. I decide to be happy or not, I decide where I shall find joy and peace. And so, I’ll be taking my happiness to Toronto, eager to spend time with family, friends and new adventures.
So if you live in Toronto or will be passing through, please come by Sweet Pete’s bike shop on Bloor at Dufferin and say hello. Better yet, let’s go for a ride!