Arriving in Colorado a few weeks ago, I was alerted to a sad little fact; that many folks in Colorado really have a distaste for Texans. Since then, I’ve heard folks wishing the Texans would move home etc. It’s to the point that when asked where I spend my winters, I first say Big Bend, rather than Texas, so folks know I’m not from Houston or Dallas or some other big city. Despite this, many Texans–good folks–still love to visit this amazing State. In fact, there are many of my Texan friends living in and around Salida/Buena Vista. I’ve also had the very distinct pleasure of having others from Terlingua come and visit. Last month it was Mike and Crystal. This past weekend, Barrett and Meridith came to visit.
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Barrett’s the Superintendent at the Big Bend Ranch State Park; my favourite place to ride! He’s an avid mountain-biker with a tremendous laugh who is committed to building more trails in the Park and getting more folks out riding those amazing trails. Truly, a class act. Meridith’s such a charming personality, always smiling with never a bad word to say about anyone.
Arriving late in the day Friday, Barrett and Meridith came by Absolute Cycles where Reilly and I were working on my bike. From there we joined a few others and made our way to Amica’s for pizza and beers. Saturday morning we met for breakfast then got the pair outfitted on bikes from Absolute. With Reilly working, Kimberly and I took our Texan pals for a two hour ride on the Little Rainbow Trail.
We all had a wonderful time, riding the single-track in the Alpine desert. Though we weren’t deep in the pines or aspens, Barrett still couldn’t get over riding through all those trees. And as Meridith rounded every corner, she could be heard laughing all the way. We’d stop to chat, take pics and admire the views. Eventually we rode down Race Track and back into town for a swim in the Arkansas River.
Sunday the pair went hiking up in the mountains as Reilly and I joined nine others for a big day on the bike. As we returned to town, Meridith and Barrett joined us at The Boathouse for food, drinks and general merriment. The restaurant was busy and loud; we were all laughing despite the rain that chased both groups off the mountain earlier in the afternoon.
Like all good things, their visit came to an end this morning. But, as is often the case, reuniting with friends reminds us just how much we value those friendships. Yup, I sure am blessed to have so many wonderful Texans in my life. Safe travels Barrett and Meridith, see ya’ll in the desert later this year!
Such a cute couple, such great folks. |