10 Days; pobrecito
Ten days.
It has been ten days since the last time I rode my bike. And when I did, the ride ended abruptly. After a great day of mountain-biking, I drank a bit too much alcohol on the porch and crashed while riding home. Super lame. Now my left shoulder is sore, as it has been since the following morning. No bruising or deformation; no nasty noises nor any real loss of range of motion. It just aches, a lot; sometimes radiating to my elbow. I’m not sleeping well, but Reilly’s 800mg Ranger Candy help.
Saturday is my birthday. I had an mtb ride planned with friends to explore some sections of local trail new to me. Now, I just don’t know if I should risk it. If I really mess up my shoulder I may not be able to work or ride all summer. That would not be cool.
So, Friday morning I plan on a 90min road ride, just to see how my shoulder feels being back on the bike, arm outstretched, gripping the handlebar. If those 90mins go well, I figure a road ride Saturday will be okay. Although, not really what I want, since it means only a handful of my riding friends will be able to join.
Ten days.
It has been just ten days and I’m already getting irritable, agitated and full of self-pity. I am trying to stay positive, trying not to wallow too much, but it’s tough. Like many of you, I don’t just ride because it’s fun or healthy. I ride because it keeps me sane. “Go for a walk” I am told by friends trying to be supportive. I did that. And while it did help–a little bit–walking for an hour just isn’t the same as crushing the single-track for six hours on my bike.
We all crash, we all need to heal, that’s just part of cycling. Kt had terrible tendonitis, dbt did real number on his arm. Certainly I’ve crashed hard and been forced off the bike to convalesce. I am trying to suck it up, trying not be too much of a downer about it all. And, who knows, perhaps this time off is giving me something positive I won’t see for days, weeks or years to come. “For who truly knows what is good or bad” I keep reminding myself.
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