Sprinter Life
In the fall of 2013 I purchased a 2006 Dodge Sprinter van. Starting with this empty box, I spent about two weeks roughing in all the major elements; insulation, water tank, plumbing, wiring, kitchen cabinet, bed-frame.
That winter I added several other key items; a swivel base for the passenger seat, a solar panel and auxiliary battery, shelving, ceiling vent/fan. There is also a sink with a water pump, a high efficiency fridge, a few LED lights, smoke detector etc.
Converting a van to a home is a perpetual work in progress. Below are some pictures of the van’s transformation. As I make more improvements, I’ll be sure to add pictures.
If you decide Sprinter life is for you, I highly recommend you join the forum at https://sprinter-source.com/forum/ It is an essential resource for everything Sprinter.
As for a mechanic, only the best will do. And the best is Dennis at LinDen Automotive in Golden, CO. https://www.lindenautorepairgoldenco.com/
If you have any questions about what I’ve done, I welcome you to send them along. Enjoy!

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