Spring in The City

From Terlingua to Toronto. Two such different worlds, yet both full of marvel and wonderful souls. Every time I return to Toronto, I am reminded that The Big Smoke really is my Canadian home.

For about six weeks I enjoyed time working at Sweet Pete’s Bike Shop, socializing with dear old friends and visiting with my family in Ottawa. Heck, I even managed to get in a few rides.

Love to you all…keep those pedals turning!

A cold spring road ride with Taylor and Andrew.




The City under blue skies.


The City under cloudy skies




Oscar’s(3rd from right) 6th birthday at the Museum of Civilization. Those boys are a handful!


Sweet Pete’s shop dog, Ruby, flying over Toronto. Photo Credit Mike Minnick


Doughnuts are love. Thanks Megz


A trip to Ontario wouldn’t be complete without time spent in Prince Edward County


Oscar shredding the skate park



Ice cream with Uncle Al


Scotch with dear old friends.

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