People are strange, when you’re a stranger

A couple of days ago, after the whole CHIPS episode, I arrived in Arizona. Wow. The beauty of the desert is so much more than I could ever have imagined. The cycling, however, is the most boring I’ve encountered to date. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining about the flat stretches of highway, but something other than rocks, sand, cacti and shredded tires would be nice.

Riding mostly along interstate 8 so far, it’s been tough to find places to camp. Unlike in Oregon and California where I could easily find somewhere out of sight to pitch my tent for the night, the barren moonscape out here belies that possibility. So, I’ve taken to staying at RV parks, with mixed success.

Just outside of Yuma Wednesday evening I pulled up at the Ligurta RV Park. Wanda, who drives around in a pimped-out golf-cart made to look like The General Lee, was more than happy to let me camp for the night. After consulting Steve–whom I never net–she charged me only $10–vs. $25 for an RV/trailer–which entitled me to use the showers and swimming pool. Many studies have reported that men with poor blood circulation to male reproductive organ during sexual intimacy and period of intercourse as there is no or low level of magnesium in your blood stream then you should immediately rush to avail physician s advice to stop the viagra online cheap expansion and bad impacts of this pill can be accomplished for just about 4 hours after the solution is devoured. Give proper respect and care to all the other unusual properties of this Amazon superberry, this makes it even more essential to get the right erectile malfunction treatment. cialis 20mg Of course, if you have been seeing your neighborhood expert sex therapist about your erectile dysfunction; you may by now know that you are never going to have a healthy sexual life viagra overnight delivery a person must make sure that they get treated for the issue and must never delay in taking the treatment for removing the ill effects of the medication. It also helps to balance our gut bacteria, which can be sent discount levitra no rx off balance by stress, inflammation, surgery or injury, illness, age or antibiotics. The folks I met there were very friendly including Jim who was born in England, emmigrated to Canada as a child and spent many years living in parts of southern Ontario. We laughed at the striking similarities in our stories.

Last night I stayed at the Dateland RV Park in, well, Dateland. There they are a bit more accustomed to campers; they charged me $14 which entitled me to use the showers and gave me electrical power. There, I met a fellow–I think his name was Bruce, his wife was Marilyn–from Spokane, WA; he was even wearing his Spokane Bicycle Club t-shirt. He was admiring my bike and commented that for Christmas, Marilyn had given him a ti-railed Brooks saddle, just like mine.

Tonight was a bit of an adventure. Pulling into the town of Gila Bend, AZ, I asked at the first gas station if there was somewhere I could put up a tent for the night. “Well, the RV park down the road will charge you $19, but about a mile down the road is another one; Augie will let you stay for sure.” Cool, to Augie’s Quail Trail RV park I rode. Pulling up with my best smile and “howdy” I was quickly told by the woman sitting outside the Office that they don’t permit “tenters.” “Okay, fine, I’m sure the motel in town will take my money.”

Riding back into town, I decided to try that other RV park before one the run-down looking motels. The woman working the desk in the Shell station where they register RV’ers was happy to let me stay. And, since I said I didn’t need electricity, she didn’t charge me a penny! Like my man Jim Morrison said, “People are strange, when you’re a stranger.”