One Day, Two Rides; Living well
Saturday morning following an uneventful shift at TFEMS, I enjoyed coffee and muffins(sweet potato, orange, cranberry, with cinnamon sugar tops) with Cindy and Jack. Though cool winds were blowing from the north-west, I was set on going for a dirt road ride on Irene. At 10:50 I was on the road, heading directly into the wind.
My route was to be one of exploration. Having ridden several of the roads way out by the Solitario already this winter, I wanted to continue to develop my familiarity with that remote area. Routes seldom travelled, save for hunters and hermits.
However, rather than sticking to roads I now know, I opted to explore others more to the north than north-west. I had an idea in my head of where I was going and certainly I knew how to get myself back home. But, soon enough, I was simply following the most worn-in tracks, avoiding the many No Trespassing signs while passing “homes” that may or may not have been visited in the past decade or so. I knew I could get myself to the Lefthand Shut-up from up that way, but wasn’t quite sure of the route. So, after about 1:45 of riding, I made the decision to start heading home’ish. Eventually I hit roads I knew, completing a large loop before heading back to Desert Sports along South County Rd.
Back at “the spot” I just chilled out while Reilly, Zach and Mike got ready for a mountain bike ride. Via telephone, Yuhas confirmed he’d be joining the boys out on the trail. Hungry and having already bailed on another friend for riding that afternoon, I chose to ride home. Well, so I thought.
Riding Irene–my touring-bike set-up for gravel day-rides–I figured I would join the boys to the top of Jimbo’s Jeep Road then head home for lunch and a nap. As we rolled past my place, Reilly piped up. “Dude, let’s just go to your place and you can swap bikes. Come with us.” It took me about 3 more pedal strokes to realize the simple brilliance in his plan. I changed jersey(long sleeve for short, as the day had certainly warmed), shoes(road pedals on Irene) and bike(Sally, the single speed). All of a sudden, ride number two for the day was happening.
Up on Reed’s, Yuhas rolled up. He quickly got off his bike, took off his camelback and pulled out a beer. Cracking the top, he took a big swig then passed it around. “I’ve been working on the road with a bulldozer all day, didn’t even have time for a beer when I got word of the ride.” True Yuhas, my hero.
With the beer gone, we hit the trails for the next two hours. By the end, I was feeling those extra three hours. It hurt a bit more, but I smiled that much more.
Two excellent rides in a day. Three hours exploring the unknown, two hours on a ride I never expected. Taking a new path, taking advantage of opportunities. Now that’s good living, living well.
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