Noble Pursuit 2019
As cyclists we often see the same stretches of road, the same pieces of trail. While tedium could be a feature of watching the same old miles roll by, they are never the same, each experience truly unique. By re-experiencing those roads, we develop a deeper understanding, a deeper relationship with them. So, too, with the people we chose to share those miles with.
On Sunday I completed my second riding of the Peterborough Cycling Club’s 8th annual Noble Pursuit, organised by none other than powerhouse cyclist and all around great guy, Zac Wheeler. Unlike 2015, when I competed with Zac and four other guys I’d never met, this year I was joined by three friends I’d known for years(the format has changed from six-person to four-person teams). Just like the many familiar roads we covered, I experienced these friendships anew, deepening the bonds we’ve enjoyed for many years.

Our team, Big Bend & the Great Lakes, was hand-picked by myself to include three of my favourite LapDogs Cycling Club members, Bevin Reith, Michael Cranwell and Barry Cox.
Bevin and I met the summer of 2001 through our mutual friend, Chris, who I also met that summer as we worked together at Duke’s Cycle. It wasn’t until a certain 24hour mountain-bike race in 2004, however, that Bevin and I really started to become friends. Since then, we have grown to be very close, cycling and travelling some of the finest cycling destinations in North America. Bevin is a deeply caring human being whose friendship I count among my most valued.
The same summer I befriended Bevin, I met Michael; he was a regular customer at Duke’s and had recently founded the Lapdogs. In 2004 and 2008, I worked under Michael when he took over as General Manager. He actually gave me some advice for that very same 24hour race that has stuck with me ever since. Despite knowing each-other for nearly twenty years, we very seldom ride together, just a handful of times. That said, Michael is both a stand-up human being and one of the strongest cyclists I know. I hold Michael in very high esteem.

Barry and I met through Bevin sometime after 2012, maybe 2015/16 when I worked at Sweet Pete’s. Most of our interactions are online, we’ve only ridden together once before. There may have been one or two beery evenings. I feel that while Barry and my friendship is still new, we enjoy each other’s company very much. Despite being a lawyer, Barry is a solid SOB and I appreciate greatly his fiery attitude and devotion to living life to the fullest. Top notch.
On Sunday, having not ridden even one mile together in preparation for the 187km(we missed a turn, adding another 6kms) Noble Pursuit, Bevin, Michael, Barry and I united to explore many new miles while deepening the friendships we already shared.
Bevin has been working fiercely over the past several years to become a dominating force on the Ontario and Quebec mountain-bike scene. While he will handily take it to the best of them, a 193km mixed surface race was a bit outside of Bevin’s comfort zone. Although, you wouldn’t have known it as he happily churned out the miles; ever consistent, ever smiling and positive. It was impressive watching Bevin ride with such even-keeled exertion and focused intent. His devotion to achieving personal success on the bike impresses me greatly. On Sunday I learned to respect him even more than I thought possible.
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Barry had a tough day on the bike. The mileage was more than he’s used to, his legs abandoning him with about thirty or forty kilometres to go. He grunted, he swore, he screeched in pain. He cursed the team ahead of us as he fell off our wheel up all those final climbs. And he kept fucking pedalling. Nobly, he would occasionally come by us three to pull for a kilometre or two. Barry exemplified what it is to ride the Noble Pursuit. To ride hard all day, as part of a team of friends, to suffer and persevere. I had a tough day the first time I competed in this event. Sunday, it was Barry’s turn. I learned to respect Barry greatly for his never-F’ing-die attitude and am glad to call him my team-mate and friend.

After all the miles were said and done, after glasses of ale were raised, the Great Lakes returned to Toronto while the Big Bend headed for Prince Edward County. As we shook hands and hugged with tired legs and huge smiles, I knew I’d experienced something really special out there on those on dirt roads.
But it wasn’t the triumph of completing this tough event. Nor was it the pride in feeling strong nearly all day. It wasn’t the novelty of the route or the familiarity of old friends. Rather, it was rediscovering those friendships, deepening the bonds that only shared suffering can do.
On Sunday I saw something new in those three men, and thus, in myself. I’m proud to call them my friends, honoured to be in their company. Thanks guys.
“Over gravel roads, and pavement through; we climbed for ever, and downhill too. We ate the earth, tasted its fruit; that is the glory, the Noble Pursuit”

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