My Broken Bike
But I was just riding along…
Those three notorious words–“just riding along”–that every bike mechanic has heard a million times over. Usually a euphemism for “I broke my bike but I don’t want to fess-up and admit that I did something stupid.” Well, on Saturday, while out for a little ride on some local trails and the Lajitas Trails #3, Isabelle–my Moots–began making a peculiar metallic noise. Now, my bike makes noises, all bikes do. But this was a new noise, one I’d never heard before. So, I jumped off my bike immediately to take a look. I pushed on the cranks, nothing. I checked the rear wheel in the frame, all good. I looked at the front wheel, then the headset; all good…HOLY CRAP, what is that! Yup, I found a huge crack in my frame.
Things break, that just happens. But you don’t expect your titanium Moots frame to crack, especially after only three years. But, it’s a Moots, so I knew the good folks there in Steamboat Springs, CO would take care of me and my girl. And they are. The warranty claim process was initiated and their response made me feel all good inside:
“Bummer! We’re sorry to hear about this broken bike, and even a temporary loss of use for Alex. It’s a drag to be without your bike, even for a short while, so we’ll try to take care of this as quickly as possible. The first step is to strip the bike of all parts and ship it back to us. We will make an inspection of the frame and determine if it should be repaired or replaced, and then move forward based on that decision. I have already looked up the serial number and verified that he is the registered, original owner, so no question that we will honor the warranty.”
So, Isabelle has been stripped, boxed and shipped. I know the wonderful people who are Moots will take good care of my girl and get her back to me soon. And that is why I ride a Moots. Not only are the bikes incredibly well built–despite the crack–but they are a deeply devoted, passionate group of people committed to their trade. Every interaction I have had with Moots over the past few years has only reinforced my confidence in riding those sublime machines.
In the mean time, as I wait for Isabelle’s return, Sally(the single-speed) and I are spending a bit more time together. Helps to have a spare bike around…

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