Mental Health Ride
For the past week or so I’ve been rather distracted, having allowed some unhealthy thoughts and feelings to enter my head and cloud my mind. Rather than indulging those feelings I am working to simply acknowledge their existence, to hold them gently in my hand without judgement and to let the wind carry them away. Along with this strategy is my time-honoured favourite; riding my bike.
Sunday morning the Desert Sports posse met at the East Contrabondo Trailhead of the Big Bend Ranch State Park. We started as seven, broke into groups of four and three and were eventually joined by an eighth. As we got going, I mentioned to Yuhas how I really needed the ride, had some BS on my mind that I needed to purge with a few turns of the pedals; “a mental health ride” I told him. “Aren’t they all mental health rides?” he retorted. Yes, I guess you’re right, Mark, every ride does the mind, and body, much good. Proven science and personal stories attest to this fact.
Sunday’s ride took us around Rincon and down to the Fresno Cascades waterfalls. There, our group of four rejoined the other three and met our eighth. Rather than simply riding past this marvellous little spot, we dismounted and just hung-out for a while, enjoying the wonder around us. We climbed over the vast rock formations that look more like natural concrete. While exploring the old rock wall shelter under a pour-off, Crystal and I found more stacked rocks forming another little shelter. On the other side, a 12′ deep metate and a few hand-shaped rocks with razor-sharp edges.
From this spot, we had two options for the ride back; continue down the Fresno Creek trail to the Old Government Road or, take the Chimney Rock Cut-off Trail east, then down the Old Government Road. Or wait, maybe there was a third option. Mike Long suggested that instead of the Fresno Trail, we ride the Fresno creek-bed.
The sand, which otherwise is soul-sucking, still held a bit of moisture, so it was hard-packed and fairly fast to ride. There was also plenty of water in the creek; sometimes just enough to make the grey sand black, at other points, pools 2-8″ deep waited for our wheels to bunny-hop over them. There were a couple pour-offs that required we dismount; some others we could simply fly off of. Such a blast, smiles all around. By the end of the ride I felt light and free, my mind clear and my soul smiling. Guess that mental health benefit really is true….

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