Manifest Reality

The idea of manifesting reality has been around a while. There’s plenty out there describing the notion that if you want something deeply enough you can actually will the universe to provide it. A bit of a spin on the Field Of Dreams line “if you built it, he will come.” Harness the power of the universe to create the reality you need or desire. Manifest reality.

In recent posts I’ve discussed my intention to make a life for myself here in Prince Edward County, Ontario. Following through with that plan, it seems as though all the elements necessary to make that dream a reality are being placed before me.
Taking a deep breath, leaving the security of a job to start a business, The County Window Cleaner is really taking off. Needing the sense of contribution provided by EMS, I found a perfect fit volunteering with Victim Services. Although still quite new, my heart has found the embrace of a remarkable woman. Longing for back-country mountain-bike adventures, I’ve been rewarded by exploring the vast network of Ontario back-roads.

With the Canada/US border likely to remain closed well in to the new year, I needed to make a plan for the winter before I found myself literally out in the cold. Though it breaks my heart to know I won’t return to Big Bend this winter, tough times demand tough actions. The desert and my love for its people aren’t going anywhere. That decision made, I needed to find somewhere to live; the van is insufficient to survive a Canadian winter.
Living in a tourist area where the long-term rental market has been decimated by the appeal of short-term accommodations, I knew that finding a place to live would be tough. Despite all that, with the help of social media, a stranger and a few dear friends, I have found a studio apartment in town that meets all my needs. I move in October 1st. Yup, the end of #vanlife is near!
Winter activities are now on my mind; lane swimming, snow-shoeing, cross-country skiing, maybe even snowboarding. I also need to sort out employment for the winter months. As recent experience has proven, however, if I will it and work for it, it will come. Committing to this path with intent, being focused on the steps before me, I continue to find solid ground as my roots take hold.
These are still confusing times, weirdness around every corner, disorientation the order of the day. But the universe is vast and powerful. So harness that power. Own it, make it happen, do work! Apply focused intent to every obstacle and to every task. Manifest your reality, for it is yours alone to have.

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