It’s the People
What a wonderful summer I’ve spent in beautiful, bucolic, Prince Edward County. While I could go on and on about all the cycling adventures I got into this summer, you already know about most of them from previous blog posts.(special thanks to Bevin, Barry, Michael, Luc, Peter and Wayne) Rather, I’d like to take a second to mention the greatest feature of my summer in The County; the people.
April through October I worked for my dear friends Kt and Rick, owners of the Bloomfield Bicycle Company. Two of the most dedicated advocates for our sport, they are as passionate as they are quirky. Though we did have a couple of “moments” I learned so much from them both and am proud to call them my friends. I also had the distinct pleasure of getting to know my co-workers Sam, Tristan(aka Fluffy, aka Fluff Master Flex) and Pauly. So many good times renting bikes, answering dumb questions, laughing hard and eating well. Good times!
Knowing very few folks outside of the bike shop, Suzanne, Jason, Tekla and Nick made me feel welcome in their family home. Apres-work socials around the fire, scrumptious dinner invitations and even a night dancing to live funk music! Thank you Pettit family.
Leading the Thursday Night fast BBC Club rides all summer, I got the chance to spend many happy(if not painful) hours churning out the miles with Jude and Luc. While there were others who joined us over the summer months, it was these two men who were my weekly companions. I had to work really hard to keep with Jude on those fast rides, while Luc was ever-steady and happy to suffer along with me. It was a pleasure to spend time with these guys and I owe them a debt of gratitude for keeping me in such great shape this summer.

Rob, Dr Dave and many more dedicated BBC club members turned out for each of the four(five if you count Thanksgiving) Long Weekend Centuries. It’s always such a treat to ride with these two seasoned veterans. Thanks guys.

Living in The County, I was afforded the opportunity to head to Peterborough often and visit with my friend Zac. Opening his home to me like a brother, I enjoyed many solid rides as I prepped for Zac’s race, The Noble Pursuit. I really am pleased to have had the chance to deepen my friendship with him before he moved to the east coast for love. Good luck Zac.

Without a doubt, however, I would not have survived and thrived all summer long were it not for two very special women.
Andrea and I spent many happy occasions riding and talking, cooking and laughing. We got to know each-other well as we supported each-other’s struggles and triumphs. Andrea took me mountain-biking in Kingston where I broke yet another frame and there was one particularly memorable road ride we call “Church.” Truly she has become one of my dearest friends and I wish her well as she heads west to the snow and mountains of British Columbia.
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Stephanie. What can I say about this incredible woman. Working together at the bike shop, we kept each-other sane. Holding down two other jobs and running for office during the recent federal election, this woman’s commitment to her principles, our environment and this community is astounding. She is a remarkable person who will change the world for the better. I am honoured to call her my friend.

Being just three hours from Ottawa, the highlight of my summer was having the chance to spend a bunch of time with my three nephews, Gavin, Oscar and Heath. We rode bikes and played with LEGO; we ate ice-cream and bandaged bloody knees. Hours spent playing on the beach when they visited The County; pounds of candy collected when daddy and Uncle Al took the boys trick-or-treating Halloween night.

My migratory life-style keeps me away from the boys most of the year, so having the chance to visit them regularly was so very rewarding. I have come to really enjoy my role as Uncle Al and am looking forward to occupying a bigger role in their lives as the years unfold.
Back “home” in the desert just a couple of days, I miss all these wonderful people and think of them often. Unsure what next year will bring, I do find myself wondering if perhaps The County isn’t a community I could one day call home. Certainly it’s full of love and life and I am blessed to know you all. Have a safe winter….see you in the spring?!
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