Happy Mother’s Day; Go Ride Your Bike
Today–in North America at least–families celebrated the Hallmark holiday, mother’s day. A day when flowers are purchased, breakfasts are delivered in bed and children proudly hand their mothers hand-made multi-coloured construction-paper cards. For a day, or maybe just a few hours, mothers are given a respite from the mountain of daily expectations laid upon them by otherwise loving husbands and children. Though not because today is mother’s day but because it’s what I like to do when I come to The County, this afternoon I took a dozen pink carnations to the little spot where half my mother’s ashes were scattered almost exactly four years ago.
Totally unrelated to this little celebration, I went for a road ride this morning with my pal Zac, a local County boy and one helluva strong rider. On the bikes by 8:30am, the sky was sunny, the roads were empty, the air was clear and birds were chirping. Oh ya, and it was windy, very windy, for long stretches of the ride, particularly during the latter stages of our 106kms. Seems to be a trend this past week; 87kms with Ali midday Wednesday; 63kms with Dr. Dave Thursday evening; 73kms with Dr. Dave and Adam Saturday morning and again during this morning’s 106kms with Zac. Oh well, rather be riding against the wind than not riding at all.
Happy Mother’s Day.
Go ride your bike.
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