Saturday after work, I loaded my gear into the rental car and drove to Prince Edward County. Arriving around 8:30pm, I made a stop at the Lakeshore Lodge to say hi to mum and reflect on all that had happened over the past two years; April 7th marked the two year anniversary of her death.
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She now had two wonderful grand-sons, Gavin Alexander and Oscar Edward. I had travelled parts of the US and around the British Isles, had discovered my new home and family in Texas. Plus, I had made the decision to embark on a new career. Yup, it is my intention to return to school in September 2013 to study Paramedics, my goal being to work as a medevac in remote/wilderness areas.
Sunday morning I and six other hearty cyclists met at the Bloomfield Bicycle Co. for an Easter [metic]Century. Audrey, Kevin, Dr. Dave, Hans, Rob, Peter and I were soon out on the County roads under clear skies. It would seem, however, that someone[most likely Peter] had invited a fierce headwind to join us for atleast 80 of the eventual 110kms.
All morning we pushed and fought through that wind, with attrition being the name of the game. After a little while, Kevin and Audrey fell back to complete the ride at their own pace. By the mid-way point, Dr. Dave had started to fall back and with about 30-40kms left to ride, Peter dropped back to ride with Dr. Dave. That left myself and the two big boys in The County to hammer at the front.
Though I certainly did my fair share of pulling[and grunting] up hills and into the wind, the toll it took was punishing. With about 15kms left to ride, I found myself on a couple of occasions having to vocally motivate myself back on their wheels. I’d fall back four feet, then five feet, then six. I knew that if I fell back any further, I’d limp back into Bloomfield slow, alone and exhausted. So, rather than suffer alone, I rejoined those two animals and suffered with company.
All in all it was a tremendous day of riding back in Prince Edward County. A very special place to ride, live and spend time with family.
[photo credits go to Peter Murk]