Desert Boy Back Home

After a week spent travelling and riding in Kansas and Missouri, it was time for this boy to head south, back to far west Texas, Big Bend and a little town on the Rio Grande called Terlingua.

The day I rolled into South County was the first day of sun in nearly two weeks.(coincidence, I don’t think so) The region had been inundated with rain, an unusual occurrence for sure. In fact, it had been one of the wettest autumns locals can remember. While rain is always welcome here, it made the trails too damp to ride for a several days. I had to satisfy myself with brilliant sunrises, spectacular sunsets, days spent staring at the mountains and evenings partying with friends. Ahhh, so good to be back home.

Since then, I’ve been exploring many of my most favourite trails with my favourite desert rats.
Last week I took a trip to Presidio and Ojinaga, across the border in Mexico. Huge thanks to Carlos for showing me such a great time and so much of this growing town that I’ve never seen.
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The week before, I took a NOLS Wilderness Upgrade for Medical Providers course. Basically, a wilderness first responders class for people that were EMT’s or higher. It was a great experience, a fantastic refresher and filled with people dedicated to saving lives. Thank you Cami and Lance!
I’m also back volunteering with Terlingua Fire and EMS(TFEMS), which brings me so much satisfaction. In fact, I’m, in the middle of four consecutive 24hr shifts as I type these words.
Recently I got myself involved in a few local projects, have been meeting new friends and had a great time at the local dia de los muertos celebration.

Truly, I am home among my people and I couldn’t be happier.
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