Over the weekend, a couple hundred mountain-bikers, friends and family made their way to the Big Bend for the Chihuahuan Desert Dirt Fest; three days of organized mountain-bike rides in both Lajitas and the Big Bend Ranch State Park. With rain both Thursday and Friday nights–yes, MORE rain here in the desert, and oh so desperately welcomed–the sandy trails were packed down firm, making them the best they’ve ever been. With a chill atmosphere and lots of smiling faces, it was sure to be a spectacular event.
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On Thursday I led the fast group for the 30mile Rincon loop in the State Park. It was a fun ride, enhanced by the very capable and super friendly riders I was joined with. One of those was Tammy, a very accomplished US national-level racer. My thanks to her for taking it easy on me!
Friday I was to join Reilly leading the long ride in Lajitas; about 23miles. However, within about 2-3miles, I broke a spoke on my rear wheel. Fortunately, a few miles down the trail, Barry was there with his van, repair stand and full compliment of tools. With his help and my spare spoke, Isabelle and I were soon back on the trail, although, way off the back of the group.
For the next couple of hours, I made my way along the course, catching groups of riders with whom I’d chat for a minute before riding on. It was a very pleasant ride, often-times by myself. Although, there was that lizard I met near the end of the day.
Saturday was the big day; the 58mile Epic course. My day, however, started out rather poorly. Not realising the mud that had formed in our camp-site as a result of the rain the night before, at about 5:30am in search of coffee I tried to ride my bike. Within 20feet I was stuck, the wheels and drive-train of my clean bicycle completely caked in concrete-like mud. There was so much in there my wheels stopped turning and I had to drag Isabelle back to my camp where I dumped her on the ground rather unceremoniously. I then trudged my way towards registration and coffee, which I promptly spilled on myself. It was one thing after another and I let them all get to me. I was soon in a foul mood, but one that would last only until I finally started riding in the State Park. After a few miles on the bike the morning’s trials were forgotten and I embarked on what would turn out to be one of the most glorious days of riding I have ever had on the mountain bike, ever!
About 15 miles into the day I developed some pain in my left leg and behind my knee. It’s something I’ve dealt with before, but was not looking forward to riding up La Pila Montoya, particularly not with the head-wind we’d been riding against. That wind continued even as my lead group of Epic riders arrived at the Sauceda Ranger Station; the half-way point. However, I knew that although it was half-way in mileage, the way back was mostly down-hill and we would have the wind slightly to our backs. Stopping for about 20mins, myself and two others–John and Jeremy–took off from Sauceda, heading south. Not only did we have the help of the wind for the next 5miles of faux-plat, but I had found my second-wind.
Because of the rain and the recent use the State Park trails were packed-down and firm, making them fast. Climbs–both long and short–and obstacles that usually presented trouble were conquered with the greatest of ease. This fact helped make the descents very, very fun-inducing! John, Jeremy and I were soon joined by Reilly and Tammy, with whom I rode on Thursday. For the next 20miles, the five of us rode fast and confident, but never so hard we weren’t having a great time, chatting and laughing as we basked under the Texan sun. With no flats or mechanicals whatever, we just cruised and rolled and smiled and loved life in all its glory.
It really was a tremendous weekend. I met many new and wonderful people and reunited with others; I witnessed a stunning star-lit mid-night lightening-storm and rode over 100miles/160kms of trail under the warm Texas sky. A huge thanks goes out to everyone associated with
Desert Sports for making it all happen; good friends and one heck of a bad-ass mountain-bike posse!