Chihuahuan Desert Bike Fest; What Makes It So Special?

Last night I sat down to type out a few words about this past weekend’s Chihuahuan Desert Bike Fest.  After forcing out a few ugly sentences, I would hold down the delete button and start over.  A few more awkward phrases would spew onto the screen, just to be wiped away again.  “What do I want to talk about, what do I want to say?”  Ugh, nothing was coming forth.

Staring at the blank screen I typed “What is it that makes this event so special?”  Is it the location, the history, the riders, the organizers, the trails, the desert, the atmosphere, the beer, the weather, the unexpected?  Just what is it?  With those thoughts lingering in my mind, I shut down my computer and went to bed. Waking this morning, I realized I’d answered my question in asking it.

What makes this event so special are the people; the organizers carefully spinning plates on poles blowing in the wind; the State Park staff and Big Bend Trails Alliance volunteers who spend innumerable hours making sure the trails are in perfect condition; and lets not forget the vendors who came to demo their bikes including Santa Cruz, Juliana, Rocky Mountain, Scot, Orange Seal and American Classic.  The locals came out in full force supported by a community of love, generosity and FOOD.  Then there are all the folks from around the country with whom I ride the Epic Ride but once a year; Keith, James, Jason, Rolf, Cole and countless others.  Jeff and Ligia, Hill and Laura, Tobin and Jen, David and Amanda, Barry and Theresa, Lori, KVM, Jennifer, Paul, Sheila and Sheila and so many more friends made the annual pilgrimage. As always, new friends were made including the always smiling Brian and Rachel.  Team $uper Awesome represented in style as they always do with Kong displaying his devotion to the event by sacrificing his body–and a bunch of blood–in the name of post-race debauchery.  The notorious Ranger Boys returned with endless amounts of vodka, pouring drinks until late Saturday night.

A defining feature of this event is the majestic yet humble land, the savage, delicate desert through which we pedal and sweat and laugh and play.  Then there is the history of the Chihuahuan Desert Challenge and the Mas-o-Menos mountain-bike races, one a founding NORBA classic from the days of Gary Fisher and Rishi Grewal. Oh ya, great weather and free beer doesn’t hurt either.

It takes all of this and more to make an event like the Chihuahuan Desert Bike Fest happen.  But greater still it is the indescribable feeling we all come away with after three days frolicking in the desert with friends old and new.  It’s what we can’t point to that we cherish greater than gold.  It’s the smile of simple satisfaction that comes from being a part of something so magical, so sacred.  That is why we are here, that is why this event exists, that is what makes this so special and all of us so grateful for being a part of it.

The sign was helpful but all the information we needed for Day One could be read in the puddles
Apparently my doppelganger, Keith, didn’t get the memo that Friday was dress-up day.
Heading north towards Buena Suerte and Whit Roy mines under blue desert skies

First-time Bike Fester, Hank; the trails worked him but he never lost that smile. He’ll be back.

Epic Ride sunrise at the Barton Warnock Visitor Center, Big Bend Ranch State Park.
Keith and myself leading out Saturday’s Epic Ride on the Dog Cholla Trail. Photo credit Crystal Allbright
The man behind The Big Bend Trails Alliance, Jeff Renfrow. Sleepers Cabin and Fresno Canyon behind him.
Nearly home and having fun!  Photo credit Crystal Allbright
NASA Special Agent Evans taking charge of post-ride shenanigans.
It ain’t a party unless someone gets hurt. Kong takes one for Team $uper Awesome
Y’all come back now, ya hear!