Buffalo Pass, Steamboat Springs

After a day of riding Friday, we returned to camp, ate well and were soon ready for bed.  Saturday morning, day two of our little adventure began where Friday left off; food and bikes.  With bellies and camel-baks full, we packed the Sprinter van with our seven bikes and made our way to the Routt National Forest.  We drove up road #38 towards Buffalo Pass, parked the van, assembled our bikes and headed out in two groups; Karah and Jenn took the dirt road back downhill and into town while Bevin, Reilly, Chris, Chris and I made our way up, summitting at 10,232″.

We pedalled south-east along the Wyoming trail before connecting to the Continental Divide trail.  Eventually we made our way down to the upper-most chair-lift and a short break before a lot of descending.  A LOT of descending.
Blasting long lines and fat turns down hill we came upon the Steamboat Springs ski lodge where a wedding reception spilled out upon the green grass.  Women in silk dresses, men in suits, all lookin’ good with the mountains behind them.  Next to the nuptials the downhill began in earnest; welcome to the Steamboat Bike Park.  The trails down the ski hill have been beautifully groomed, forming a seemingly endless bob-sleigh run for bikes.  Tight, tall, steep and fast banks switch-backed turn after turn after turn; a few long runs of table-top dirts jumps kept us flying through the air; though, Bevin did have one rough landing.
Honestly, this was one of the most exhilarating days of mountain-biking I’ve ever enjoyed.  A long day on the saddle with good friends and stunning views.  Life just doesn’t get much better than this.  That is, until the next day of riding….
Packing the van; Reilly got four bikes in there plus two on the rack and one inside.
Unpacking the van, Steamboat somewhere in the background and down below.
Lookin’ out towards Wyoming on the equally-named trail.
Yes, Chris, life sure is great when you live it like this.
Me and the mountains.  Very happy.
Elevator going down?  I’ll take the stairs, thanks….
Myself, Reilly and Bevin at the top of the upper chair-lift.
Steamboat Springs Ski Chalet; where the mtb d/h run begins.
Bevin sporting the latest in down-hill mtb road-rash and dirt face-painting.  Ya buddy!

1 Comment on “Buffalo Pass, Steamboat Springs

  1. Great day with killer singletrack and views. Unfortunately, I did redefine my personal definition of ‘biggest crash evar’. It’s the rider not the bike – I need to polish my jumping skills – but my tire pressure was also way too low. The sidewalls on those x-kings are finished from rolling over…