Bevin’s Colorado Road Trip
In 2012, my dear friend Bevin Reith and I spent two glorious weeks mountain-biking in Colorado. It was spectacular, riding trails in Salida, Fruita, Crested Butte, Steamboat Springs and more. Last week, Bevin joined me for more fun in the Colorado Rockies, a trip defined by bikes and beers.
After a short ride in Salida the day Bevin arrived, the next morning we left town for four days of single-track awesomeness.
Day one found us just north of Ridgeway at the Ridgeway Area Trails(RAT). Despite being just a few years old, these trails came highly recommended. The single-track climb out of the parking lot was a long series of beautifully made switch-backs. Some roots, some rocks and lots of fast hard-pack trails. After enjoying a grand Colorado mountain view, we settled in for several miles of incredibly well made, smooth, flowey, dirt track. The roller coaster ride was so much fun and it just kept on going! Eventually, we did have to make a long, dirt road climb back up the ridge, but even that was a good solid chug. We explored a bit more, made a couple errors then headed back to the trail-head.

Camping at the Ridgeway State Park that night, we agreed that we needed to spend more time on the RAT the next day. With a better understanding of the trails, we put together an 18mile/30km loop that included several trails we missed the day before. We even tackled the black diamond Exterminator descending trail that involved some really technical features. My time in Squamish last summer has really upped my technical game; I rode everything!
From there we drove to Montrose, camping on a bluff high above town. As the sun set, we imbibed, ate dinner, conversed and planned for day three.
Saturday would be a double ride day. That morning, we parked at the Lower Spring Creek trailhead south-west of Montrose. Almost immediately we had to descend a very steep, loose set of switchbacks with an average grade of -20%. Even the motos ahead of us were having difficulty. “Damn, we gotta climb out of this later.” I thought to myself.

Once on the canyon floor we completed the 11mile/17km Lower Sprint Creek loop. Riding slowly up-stream, we enjoyed the quite solitude afforded by the high canyon walls. Reaching the turn-around point and turning down-steam, the single-track that was at times fast and flowey, at times rocky and technical. It was excellent. Well, except for pushing our bikes back up that ridiculous set of switchbacks.
Driving to Gunnison we stopped for a quick swim and secured our campsite at the Gunnison KOA. From there, ride number two; Hartman Rocks. Seriously, this some of the most fun you can possibly have on a mountain bike. Bevin was beside himself with how great the riding is there, like nothing else we’d seen. If you ever get the chance, ride Hartman Rocks, it is so worth it.

Sunday was to be the big day. We drove from Gunni’ to Monarch Pass. Our plan was to ride the iconic Monarch Crest Trail, dropping down towards Salida from either of several options, depending on the weather and how we felt. Arriving at Marshall Pass Rd, the temperature dropped quickly as the hail and rain began to pound. Figuring we’d be stuck in that rain if we continued on the trails, we opted to bail out there. Good idea.

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As we descended the road, we were chased by rain, wind, thunder and lightening. Looking over our shoulders, we could see the storm devastating the high country. Anyone stuck on the exposed sections of the Crest would have been in a lot of trouble. Cold and wet, we finally escaped the storm as lightening struck very close to us. As we descended the highway towards Salida, the rain abated and the temperature slowly climbed. In town, we grabbed Bevin’s rental car and drove back to the Pass to collect my van. Another successful, if not shortened, day on the bike.

Monday morning we went out for just one more little ride around S Mountain in Salida before Bevin packed up his bike and made for Denver.
Phew, what a trip! Seven rides in six days at four locations. You can’t ask for much more for that. Well, I guess you could ask for properly functioning brakes, eh Bevin?
Over the seventeen years Bevin and I have been friends we’ve enjoyed some pretty outstanding cycling adventures together. Paul’s Dirty Enduro, Paris-to-Ancaster, Colorado 2012 and 2018. Heck, there might even be a couple of 24hour races somewhere back there. Every one of those rides pushes me to ride harder and better, to keep up with Bevin, to join him in the fun. Thanks for coming to Colorado pal, I look forward to our next cycling adventure..and the beer.

By the numbers:
Day 1, S Mountain, Salida (no data)
Day 4, Lower Spring Creek Trails, Montrose
Day 4, Hartman Rocks, Gunnison
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