96miles of the Vapor Trail 125 aka; Lightening avoidance
Saturday evening around 6pm, Aaron called Reilly with the weather forecast for the next day’s ride; “50% chance of thunderstorms before 1pm, especially in the high country.” Aaron thought we should abandon our plans for riding the first 75miles of the Vapor Trail 125 route the following morning. Reilly and I discussed alternate routes with little enthusiasm for any. We both wanted to do a big ride Sunday, really big. So, we simply harassed Aaron and he succumbed to the fierce peer-pressure. 6 am Sunday morning, we three–plus the super-strong Nate Porter–rolled out of Salida with the sun rising behind us and clouds above the mountains ahead of us.
Now, let me make something very clear; these ain’t your average little 96 miles, no sir. They include three sections of hike-a-bike, one of which takes 45 minutes; they include about 11-13,000′ of climbing, much of which is above 10,000′; the descents are burly, the dirt road climbs are gruelling and the terrain is perpetually demanding. Nope, this ain’t a little ride in the park. This is where the big kids play…and suffer. But hey, that’s how we roll…
With bikes on our backs and sweat on our brow, we grunted our way up and over the Alpine Tunnel as the rain began to fall . A few miles earlier we had made the decision to continue on, to risk the weather and throw ourselves at the mercy of the mountains. Going over the Alpine Tunnel pass meant we were truly on the other side, way back in the high country, committed to the ride. Fortunately, the rain lasted but a few minutes. Summitting, we were pleased to see grey, though not rainy skies–before us. The mountains beyond, however, were shrouded in dark grey and purple clouds. Yes, we were heading in that direction.
Past the old train station and over the palisades we soon made our way up and over Tomichi Pass. As we did so, the rain finally began to fall. We huddled within a bluff of trees, put on our rain jackets and waited it out. Ten minutes later, the rain was gone. Those big ugly clouds would simply roll up against the mountains around us, unleashing their fury but leaving us alone.
We slogged our way up Canyon Creek and down the other side then back up Old Monarch Pass road; nine laborious miles of dirt road switchbacks. We rode together but in silence. By the summit we’d ridden 75 miles and we were getting tired.
Earlier in the day it was decided that when we arrived at Monarch Pass, we would head home on the pavement rather than tackle any more single-track. Sitting at the summit, eating our last vestiges of food, the winds picked up, the temperature dropped and we could feel the rain in the air getting ready to drop. We put on all our clothing and began the 20 mile road descent back to Salida.
A few miles down the road, it began to rain, though not very hard and for only a few minutes. Arriving in Poncha Springs–just five miles from Salida–we removed our rain gear and leisurely rolled home.
Within 30 minutes of getting home I was showered and in bed. Though I was exhausted from the day’s ride, I was smiling as I fell asleep. We had tempted the weather and won…this time.

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